This application contains functions to automatically count cells from pictures taken. The intention behind the application is to analyze pictures of cells taken under a microscope from a Neubauer counting chamber to quickly calculate cell numbers for the colonies in question. While it is intended for pictures of a counting chamber, it can also be used to count colonies inside a petri dish, but this use needs more user input and calibration and results vary depending on the quality of the image taken.
The idea for this counter is to apply a Marr wavelet, the 2D version of the Mexican hat wavelet, to the part of the image which should be analyzed. The effect of the wavelet is, that it enhances the parts of the picture which fit the shape of the wavelet, making it easier to distinguish those parts from the rest of the image. Because of its circular shape, it fits the form of cells really well, making it a good candidate for this application. For more informations about wavelets and their function, i can recommend this Tutorial.
This is an example of how to analyze a picture. Filter.squareCalculator can be used to calculate the dimensions of the square to be counted in pixels using the specifications of the microscope and camera. Pipeline.processImage is then used to analyze the picture from the given path. The output is a tuple with the number of counted cells at the first position and a chart at the second position. The chart is a visualization of the image processing. The first image is the thresholded and transformed picture. The second image is the transformed image and the third one is the original imagepart which was analyzed with the recognized cells overlaid. The images are shown as heatmaps.
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